Eid Holiday in UAE: Explore Saudi & Oman from Dh1,099

Eid Holiday in UAE | The enchanting destinations of Abha in Saudi Arabia and Salalah in Oman are experiencing a surge in tourists from the UAE. Travel industry executives report that numerous residents are opting for these ideal locations during the Eid Al Adha break, drawn by their convenient locations and favorable weather.

Rising Popularity of Salalah and Abha

According to industry experts, Salalah’s Eid-Al-Adha group departures are a hit, and overall summer inquiries for both destinations are impressive. Rashida Zahid, Vice-President of Operations at Musafir.com, noted the growing interest: “We are witnessing a 15 percent increase in Salalah bookings and a surge of 30 percent for Abha compared to last summer. This data suggests a significant rise in travelers seeking unique summer escapes within the region.” Zahid emphasized that these destinations offer a compelling alternative to the usual summer hotspots, attracting visitors with cooler climates, breathtaking landscapes, and unique cultural experiences.

Sold-Out Packages for Eid Al Adha

“We have many group packages scheduled during the summer months. However, during the Eid Al Adha break, we have sold out our seats,” said Meenu Krishna, Outbound Sales Manager at Rooh Tourism. Gulf Transport Company, which operates a bus service to Salalah, reported high demand as well. “There are many passengers traveling to Salalah currently. When the Khareef season hits on June 15, we can expect the bus to run at full capacity,” said the operator at the agency.

Factors Driving the Trend

Several factors are influencing the growing interest in these regions. Meenu Krishna highlighted the convenience of road trips and short flights to these destinations. “These destinations are considered ideal as people can take road trips or travel by flight and can be completed in three days. A few residents cannot take longer leaves from their office, so they prefer Salalah,” she explained.

Another significant factor is the unavailability of visas to many countries and the expensive airfare. “Many countries require prior visa approvals. Citing the case of Schengen countries, it is highly difficult to plan a trip now. So due to this, residents opt for colder weather in winter months,” added Meenu.

Cost-Effective Travel Options

“The expenditure of the trip is also a factor to be considered. A trip to Europe may cost between Dh 4,000 and Dh 12,000. However, a trip to Abha or Salalah for three days is priced at Dh 1,100 to Dh 2,500 depending on the mode of transportation and accommodation,” said Meenu.

With the Eid Al Adha break approaching, many residents have already started booking their tickets to spend three days in these beautiful destinations, experiencing the natural beauty and cooler climates of the Middle East.

For more information on travel packages to Abha and Salalah, you can visit Musafir.com and Rooh Tourism.