UAE travel ban cancellation: How to do online

UAE travel ban cancellation | The UAE has recently implemented stricter visa-related regulations. Visit visa holders are now encouraged to book their roundtrip tickets on the same airline and are required to carry a minimum of Dh3,000 in cash. These measures aim to streamline travel processes and ensure compliance with entry requirements.

Understanding Travel Bans in the UAE

Travel bans in the UAE can be imposed for various reasons, including legal issues or immigration violations. Additionally, missed loan or credit card payments can also result in a travel ban. If you suspect that a travel ban might have been imposed on you, it is crucial to check and take necessary actions to resolve the issue.

How to Cancel Your Travel Ban Online

If you find yourself facing a travel ban, you can now cancel it online through the Ministry of Justice’s website. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Cancel Travel Ban Instructions

Step 1: Log in to the Ministry of Justice Website

Visit the Ministry of Justice website and log in using UAE Pass. If you haven’t registered on the website before, you will need to create an account.

Step 2: Find the Cancellation Request

After logging in, look for ‘Cancellation Request of Travel Ban Order’ under the ‘Case Management’ section.

Step 3: Check Your Cases

Click on the ‘My Cases’ tab to view the cases against you.

Step 4: Request Cancellation

View the details of each case and request a cancellation by filling out the required form with your details.

Step 5: Make a Payment

You may need to make a payment depending on the specifics of your case.

Additional Information

  • Processing Time: According to the Ministry of Justice, processing the cancellation request can take up to five working days.
  • Required Documents: You might need to provide documents that support your case for the cancellation of the travel ban.

New System for Judicial Enforcement Decisions

The UAE has introduced a first-of-its-kind system in the region that tracks all judicial enforcement decisions and cancels them once the required dues are paid. Recently, the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department adopted this new system. It ensures that once the respondent has completed the payment, the original decision is canceled and electronic approval is forwarded to the relevant authorities.

For travel bans imposed due to non-payment, respondents can download a copy of the cancellation decision through the smart app. This document can be presented during travel procedures as a soft copy if needed.

By keeping up with these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience while traveling to and from the UAE.

Information in this article was sourced from Khaleej Times.