In a Mahzooz live draw that took place last week, a 31-year-old jobless Dubai resident won a million dirhams on his birthday on Saturday. Raja, a Pakistani national, became the 14th millionaire of the 40th Mahzooz draw. He struck gold after matching five out of the six winning numbers (12, 26, 33, 38, 47, and 49).
Raja, who served as an account manager for a logistics company, resigned from this position two months ago and has been searching for new employment. However, it didn’t stop him from participating in the Mahzooz draw, which he has been doing since its launch. The Mahzooz live draw winner was announced just a few hours before Raja turned 31, and he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the winning numbers.
The win on the eve of Raja’s birthday made him feel like a “king”, which is also the literal meaning of his name (Raja) in Urdu. He exclaimed, “This is undoubtedly the best birthday gift I have ever received in my whole life.” Until yesterday, I was anxious about my future since I was searching for a job. Look at me now.”
Mahzooz has changed my life overnight in a way that I can neither imagine nor describe,” said Raja, who said Mahzooz changed his status from rags to riches overnight. This week, I was shocked when I saw the winning numbers. I checked them against my numbers, but I just couldn’t believe it. I won Dh1,000,000 just a few hours before my birthday! That’s just unbelievable,” said an excited Raja.