Finland Pavilion – Expo 2020 Dubai

Finland pavilion – Expo 2020 Dubai is a pavilion of the Nature and knowledge in a cool and secluded area. This pavilion is similar to an Arabic tent made up of snow. The Finland pavilion goals to bring together the country’s snowy lands along the culture of Expo 2020 host country.

Finland will display its various areas of education, excellence and sustainable techniques and technologies for health and wellness, as well as the beauty which attracts visitors and tourists from all over the world.

Finland is a northern European country bordering Sweden, Russia and Norway. Finland is claim to be a safe country for tourists from all around the world and it is one of the northernmost place in the world along permanent population. This pavilion will promote Finland positively in world

Features of Finland pavilion

  • A ‘gorge’ made by wood sculpt into the Finland pavilion’s middle, will deliver a shaded resort.
  • The Majlis made by Finnish using like a meeting room to link with other people.
  • It will be an exposition of a cool peaceful heaven with a lot of surprises.
  • The Finland pavilion presents internationally leading clean technologies and circular economy.


Lumi is the name with Finland is going to represent itself at Expo 2020. Lumi means snow and it is a finnish inspired by the white blanket made of snow that covers the Finland landscape from autumn onwards.

The concept and planning of the Finland pavilion are being honored by JKMM architects from Finland and Expomobilia AG (Switzerland). JKMM architects have place together the design & concept and expomobilia as international general contractor, is responsible to take care of overall planning and project organized in the implementation procedure.

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Theme of the Finland pavilion ‘Sharing Future Happiness’

The main theme of the pavilion is sharing Future happiness’, said by severi keinala the commissioner general of finlad.

Finnish happiness is situated on the existence of people, nature and technology. This close connection is the base of the quality of daily Finnish life and the Finnish pavilion interfaces this happiness by proceeding visitors on a tour through Finland’s strengths; nature and education, sustainability and knowledge, functionality and well fare of people’.

Architect and design (JKMM)

Finland pavilion is designed by a group with link of Expomobilia, ‘JKMM’ Archeitects. This elegant design of the pavilion reflects the mesmerizing tradition of Finland’s architecture.

The pavilion comes as a simple cubic area along a striking entrance fronting towards the front plaza. Water in dark lakes and shallow pools of water will make gentle sounds and chill the air around it. Visitors will enter the pavilion via a tent like gap into a gorge, a specific central gap of the pavilion that opens to the sky.

Finnish assets and materials plays a very important character in the design of the Lumi pavilion. Soft, light front fabric will be in strong combination to hard and graze concrete of entrance ornament.

Entrance porch will span through full height of the pavilion, will chill intermediate area to prepare visitors for an intensive visit of the exhibition. The hard granite floor will more guide the visitor into the central gorge where heat of curved wooden area will welcome the visitor.

Construction of the pavilion

Different finish firms have been participated in the construction of the Finland pavilion; elevators for the pavilion is provided by KONE, Air ventilation in the main exhibition is provided by halton group.

The full structure has been completed including the steel work and the sandwich panels covering the entire building. The steel structure is almost a 30% of the total construction work. Visitors will experience a dramatic variance between sensory overload of Expo atmosphere and serene, Nordic environment and inside of the central world.


The pavilion which is among the first on site to have surpassed out, is located in the expo’s mobility district.

Importance of pavilion for France

Expo is very important for Finland in sketching out to the middle East region, the Gulf to the UAE and to Dubai, ‘says Nissila


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