Germany Pavilion – Expo 2020 Dubai

Germany Pavilion – Expo 2020 Dubai is an appealing look at an environment explorer. This will be to Enroll at Campus Germany for the lifetime lesson. The German pavilion will be a progressive optimistic area of knowledge, explore and human communication.

This pavilion will be full of sustainability examples of creations and innovations to impress, engross and excite the young visitors. This pavilion will be a great showcase of German innovations and solutions in the terms of sustainability. Germany has been regularly participating in world various exhibitions over the years.

Germany is a western country of Europe with a land full of forests, rivers, hills and North Sea beaches. Its capital is Berlin which is famous for art and night life events. Germany is known for its Oktoberfest, football, car brands and many more things. Germany is the 7th largest country in Europe.

Features of Germany Pavilion

  • To experience restaurants offering German cuisine.
  • To watch different performances on the huge stage which will be showing German culture.
  • To experience a grand finale featuring the swinging seats.
  • To enjoy the journey with a group activity on swings that accompanies the importance of collaboration.
  • It will present an amazing array of creative ideas with real-life consequences.


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Theme of the Germany pavilion

The theme of the German pavilion is ‘Campus theme’. Facts and fiction are responsible for the content, exposition and media designs. The pavilion will have built by NUSSLI Adonic. The architecture and pavilion’s interior is designed by LAVA ‘laboratory for visionary architecture from Berlin

Everything from intelligent way of local climate to materials recycle and construction is designed under the theme of the pavilion and designed to be sustainable. The theme carries German innovations in Expo pavilion by using new styles of forming area.

The combination of surrounded sir space and interactive exhibition journey creates a thrilling exchange between exterior and interior area.

Architecture ‘LAVA, facts and fiction’

The Architecture of the German pavilion shows the key elements of the nation, ‘efficiency, science, technology and the natural beauty’ and connects them to the factors of sustainability.

On six platforms, present and future big-trends are showcased as part of an interlinked, collective and participative exposition concept. The exhibition is able to seen from any side of the pavilion and visitors can stroll between the thematic areas, generating a flow of people and information convey that the architecture and its crystal clear structure makes visible.

The interior land is informed by our instinctive, spiritual and even romantic reaction to the German landscape and is and is personal, selective and climatic in nature. Connect to the rational, accurate knowledge repository by an ‘interface’ aspect, it is a varying space that sets up an encouraging tension with the rest of the pavilion.

In the middle of the ‘interface’ among these two areas is a modern understanding of the German oak that hires digital processes and robotics to behave as a bearer and chatterer of knowledge, information and technology.

As a whole German pavilion will represent an existence of core German qualities like efficiency, technology and nature.

Design of the pavilion

The design of the pavilion at Expo 2020 focuses on sustainability, one of the main themes of the Expo 2020 Dubai which are ‘Opportunity, sustainability and mobility’

The design of the German pavilion presents many aspects of Germany through thematic spatial factors. It is inspired by the dualism of Germany’s scientific organizations and innovative factories, the redistributed pattern of collaboration throughout the country and the different, rich land and geography.

The raw materials of the pavilion will be separate for later recycling. The full pavilion can be disassembled after Expo 2020 and re-erected on another place in Germany or anywhere else with slight modifications.

The German pavilion is located in the Sustainability district. Germany is the place where sustainability was originated, where the energy revolution is known as the ‘Energiewende’ was born, and the area where science, industry and big parts of civil society are industrially committed to fasten a sustainable future.

Visitors Experiences

The pavilion journey brings visitors constantly on the terrace of open atrium, giving an overview the location in the pavilion, the different variety of social interaction with visitors. Local German plants hanging from the terrace and roof giving peace in the atrium and specific light.

In the German pavilion visitors will pass through ‘vertical campus’ a group of buildings under a free-form roof. The terrace supplies views over the multiple interior of the pavilion among the cubes. The opaque trapezoidal roof diminishes solar heat but allows Sunlight to fall on small openings in the surface structure into the open atrium.


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