WhatsApp New Features – In January of last year, WhatsApp began working on a new set of privacy settings that would allow users to hide their ‘profile photos,’ ‘last seen,’ and ‘about’ information from specific people in their contact lists. In the beta period, it was only available on a limited number of devices, but the company has announced that it will eventually be available on iPhone and Android devices worldwide.
Previously, users could choose to make their profile photo, last seen, and about information private to Everyone, My Contacts, or Nobody. Those options are joined by a fourth option called ‘My contacts except..’ that is also available for Status privacy, according to GSM Arena.
WhatsApp New Features –Users can opt to exclude certain contacts in their contacts list from viewing their WhatsApp profile picture, last seen, and About info. In addition, if a user doesn’t share their last seen with others, they won’t see other users either, just like read receipts, with the exception that the latter remains active even when they’ve turned off group chats.
The new privacy control can be found in WhatsApp’s Settings > Account > Privacy menu on iPhone and Android devices.
Additionally, WhatsApp rolled out group calling features, which allow users to mute others during a group call and send messages to specific individuals. Off-screen, a banner is also shown when someone joins a group call.
WhatsApp New Features –As part of its beta test, WhatsApp added an admin approval feature that lets admins approve or deny requests from people wanting to join a group via hyperlink. Currently, users are only able to access this feature on the beta version of the app, but Mashable reports that it will soon be available on both Android and iOS secure versions of the app.
A group requiring admin approval must manually enable the feature in WhatsApp when it is available. You will be able to toggle the feature on or off in the group settings under the ‘Group Membership Approval’ heading, and all current customers in the group will receive a notification whenever the setting is toggled on or off.